Full compatibility and live data integration with and
business systems
Mobile Sales Information System for Tencia and Arrow
Mobile Access for your corporate database from a mobile device… anywhere…anytime, live online!
Information is Power. Move your sales team over to a mobile devices method and you will “unlock” your sales team… enabling them to spend more time face to face with your clients and at the same time to have data available at their fingertips. Spending more time with your clients means stronger relationships and faster growing sales.
Zumein delivers up to the minute sales data and will enable you to track customer interactions.
What is Zumein?
Zumein is a simple, effective and powerful sales information and CRM system. It provides the tools your sales team
needs to enable them to sell more effectively.
- Mobile sales information system – provide your sales team with the information they need now… with just a few clicks. Customer sales history, product/service sales, stock availability, amounts owing.
- Full suite of Sales Reports, Customer enquiries and Stock enquiries
- View data at a summary level with graphs and dashboards and then ZumeIn (drill down) to source data – invoice transactions and prices.
- Client Relationship Management tools – customer notes, contact management, customer profiles.
- Customers, leads and prospects are all visible within one system. This is a major advantage over other
systems which focus on customer acquisition or servicing existing customers. - Designed for sales teams of 10 persons or more, with security according to sales regions etc.
Compatible with Tencia and Arrow Business Systems
- Full online integration with your Tencia or Arrow Business System.
- The only Sales Management System that provides up to the minute data direct from Tencia or Arrow.
- The perfect CRM (Client Relationship Management) add-on for Tencia.
- Customise functions to provide the workflows that you need for your business.
- Zumein provides a flexible platform that allows you to add extra functions and extend your Tencia system.
Typical queries
Before you visit your customers, your sales team will be able to view
up to the minute sales data – on your mobile phone, tablet or laptop.
- Be informed before you visit or speak to your customer.
- Are sales going up or down for each customer / product?
- What are your customers buying / not buying lately?
- What is their credit status / payment history?
- View sales in quantity and/or dollars.
- What sales/purchase orders are outstanding / late?
- Look up serial numbers and batch numbers.

- Fast!
- Designed for sales teams on the road.
- Optimised for mobile phones, tablets and laptops.
- Web app – similar to LinkedIn, Facebook, internet banking
- Extremely simple. Minimal training required.
- Up to the minute data linked online to your ERP system.
- Save money – No need for ERP software or RDP licences.
- Security ensures that your confidential data is protected.
- Salespeople can be restricted to only see their territory.
- Sales people can be given view-only access therefore it is impossible for incorrect data to be entered into your ERP.
- Simple low-cost deployment you not need RDP, VPN, etc.
Access sales, stock & customer data now
Imagine the impact on your business if you could have greater freedom to spend more time with your clients, building stronger relationships, travel and explore opportunities… and at the same time have information you at your fingertips? …without the hassle of phoning or travelling to the office, back connecting cables, VPN, etc.
Email and calendars are already available on your mobile phone, iPad and PC. With you will also be able to ZumeIn access your sales data on your device from any location in the world where the internet is available.

Free up your team to be out and about, building relationships with your clients instead of being stuck behind a computer screen
Your complete mobile office…
Online sales information
- Live from your server
- Screens can be tailored to suit your business

View sales KPIs on your phone, tablet or PC
The need to display information on a small screen requires our designers to clearly analyse and present only the key information. Simple. No clutter. Less is more. ZumeIn delivers Executive Summary information on your mobile phone or iPad (the “helicopter view”). If you require additional information simply click on the link to ZumeIn and drill down to the detail.
Information can be accessed according to each user’s security level
Sales information
- Customer contacts
- Phone/email details
- Sales trend graphs
- Price history
- Profitability
- Debtor management
- Sales Commission Data
Stock / Products / Services
- Stock levels
- Incoming/outgoing
- Shipments
- Prices / Costs
- Product photos
- Warehouse data
- Product specs
- Sales orders
- Purchase orders
- Stock re-order levels
- Delivery status
- Order pipeline
Dashboards / KPIs
- Graphs
- Financial summaries
- “Traffic light” alerts
- Project actual/budget
- Executive Summaries
- Key Performance Indicators
- Management reports
- Lead workflow
- Prospects
- Contact details
- Notes
- Profiles
- Tag lists
Start with the simple standard screens. Tailored screens can be added later to suit your business
Transform your sales communication style from this…

To this

- Simple. Every ZumeIn screen is designed to provide simple and fast access to your data. Screens are optimised for small screens.
- Flexible. You can start using ZumeIn with the simple standard screens and add tailored screens later to suit your business.
- Multi-Media. ZumeIn displays text, graphs, photos (e.g. products and people), make phone calls and initiate emails from your mobile phone/PDA.
- Mobility. ZumeIn is the simplest and most cost-effective mobility solution for managers, sales and service teams… anywhere that information is required “on the road”.

Which device
Everyone has different needs from a phone – size, battery life, brand, whether you prefer a small phone, large phone, phablet, tablet or PC. Android, IOS or Windows. New improved models arrive on the market all the time.
Most mobile information systems lock you into a particular brand/model device. With ZumeIn you do not need to standardise on one model device.
ZumeIn is compatible with a wide variety of phone models and brands. Some phones are more practical than others due to screen size etc. Call us to discuss your needs.